We are not meeting on Wedenesday this week, as the Jogleaders have a special evening at Run4IT in Aberdeen, as a result we will be meeting on Friday night at 6.30pm instead and registering as usual. As the Advanced group are now up to 8km, they will be running one night with Intermediate group and doing a 5km. This week its on Friday.
This weeks schedule is as follows
Fred, Diane, Katrina, Elaine L,
5 min brisk walk- 10 mins continuous jogging
1min walk- 1 min jog rest of the way (3k distance)
Catto Drive - Crossfolds- Up West road- Meethill Road
Down Cairntrodle- Up West Road - Crossfolds - Catto Park
Intermediate Group
Stuart, Roselyn, Nicola, Hazel,
5 min brisk walk – Continuous Jogging 4.5km
Balmoor Terrace-Windmill Road-past Lidis- Meethill Road
Down past Clerkhill Shops- Links Terrace- South Road- West Road - Crossfolds Cres- Catto Park
Stewart, Marilyn, Elaine Weir, Stephen B, Stephen Campbell
5 min brisk walk – Continuous Jogging 8.0 km
Catto Drive - Past Steak house- Balmoor Terrace- down the brae- Queen Street
Chapel Street-Broad Street- Around Harbour (past John Smith & sons garage)
Port Hendry Road -Ugie Road- Blackhouse Terrace-Windmill Road (past Lidis) -
Down West Road- Station Road- Catto Drive- Catto Park.
Friday- 6.30pm Register as usual-Intermediate and Advanced Groups together (5k)
Beginner -Stewart, Marilyn, Elaine Weir, Stephen B,
1min walk- 1 min jog rest of the way (3k distance)
Catto Park- Crossfolds- Down West road- Up Cairntrodle- Meethill - Down West Road- Crossfolds - Catto Park
Intermediate and Advanced groups
Fred, Katrina, Elaine L, Stuart, Nicola, Hazel, Leigh, Diane, Stephen Campbell
5 mins walking 5km continous jogging
Catto Park- Catto Drive- Crossfolds cr- West Road- Eden Drive-Cairntrodle- Forman Drive - Baylands Crescent
Skerry Drive- South Road- King Street- Ugie Street- Hay Crescent- Up Balmoor Terrace- Back past Fitba Staduim.