Stuart and Carol-Ann Main are an inspiration to all at Peterhead Jogscotland. Stuart joined us not long after we started in 2007. Stuart quit smoking in 2001 after 17 years of being a heavy smoker but soon found he replaced one unhealthy habit with another junk food. Stuart wont mind me saying but his weight ballooned from around 13 stone to a staggering 21 stone and soon found he couldnt even muster enough energy to play football with his kids. Stuart was also born with his left leg shorter than his right. With this rapid weight gain he found he was putting a lot of strain on his left side. Fred Dick a work colleague encouraged Stuart to take up jogging. Stuart was surprised to find that there were a variety of ages and sizes at the group and the gentle progressive walk/jog programme agreed with him. Remarkably Stuart has now lost 5 stone in weight, and we are very proud to have him as a
leader at Peterhead Jogscotland.
Carol Ann admits she had never been sporty in her life until she joined the club last April, when she joined the beginners she admits she struggled to do the 30 secs. walk and jog the first night she was so unfit. However with sheer determination and will power she went on and did the Fraserburgh 10k 8 WEEKS later followed by a few more 10kms in the next few Months.
In November last year Stuart and Carol Ann (in little over 6 months of Carol Ann joining us) completed the Fraserburgh Half Marathon, and unbelievable as of yesterday Stuart and Carol Ann will both be taking part in the Virgin London Marathon in April.
Stuart and Carol Ann are what Peterhead Jogscotland is all about, getting more active, improving fitness, having fun, and making new friends. We are really proud of them both, if you see them running round the toon training for the marathon in the coming months give them a blast of your horn to show them your support. It takes a lots of time, miles and dedication to complete a Marathon as Roselyn and i well know.