In case you dont know we had a visit from the Active Nation Scottish Cup to our home on Thursday, which we still cant quite believe. The Scottish Cup as its better known is the oldest Football Trophy in the world and this year marks it 125th Anniversary. The Scottish Cup final is played in May at Hampden, and last year was won by Rangers. This year the Scottish Cup is sponsored by the Scottish Government in an initative to get Scotland more health and active (thats what were all about to!!)leading up to the Commonwealth Games which are being held in Glasgow in 2014. To promote the initative they decided to have the cup paraded through Scotland, and run competitions throughout Scotland for people to spend a day with the Scottish Cup.
The competition we won was held on Northsound One, and Stephanie put my name forward for it. The first thing i knew about it was yesterday morning when i got a call on my mobile phone when about 3 miles from Dyce on my way to work. I was told by Greigsy on Northsound i had to be home for 2oclock as the cup would be arriving then,to say i was shocked would be an understatement!!. After my boss gave me the afternoon off (there wasnt much work done in the morning either i can tell you i was so excited!!),i drove home and the cup arrived at our house at time we were told. The cup was accompanied by John Kennedy former Celtic player
see and Greg McEwan who works for Material Media Company who have been employed by the Scottish Government to promote Active Nation!!
After we spent a while with the Cup on our "mantle piece" we paraded it around the Clerkhill School, and then we took it down to Balmoor Stadium where lots children/adults got there photograph taken for a small donation in aid of Make A Wish (we raised £100!!!) . Its was a brillant day and one we will never forgot. Thanks everyone who made our day special, and especially Steph for putting my name forward for it. To learn more about the Active Nation and what its all about see
here. To see all our photographs click