Susan being presented with her prize from Jurgen the Waterside Inn Manager
Well done to Susan Milne who won our second Charity Weight Loss Challenge of the year which finished just before Christmas. Susan lost just over 2 stones in 15 weeks which was a wonderful acheivement. As the winner of Charity Weigh In Challenge Susan won a 6 months membership to the Waterside Inn Leisure Club, £300 for her nominated Charity Cancer Research, and lovely plaque to keep. Seven of our group achieved the set goal of lossing 8ibs which i set at the start of the challenge, they all received a Peterhead Jogscotland hat. In second was Jason Clark who lost just over a stone, in total our group lost over 12 stones!!!! Which was just brillant!!
A special word about Stuart Robertson who won our last Charity Weight Loss Challenge which finished in June. Stuart has lost a remarkable 5 stones this year, which is a fantastic achievement. Stuart we are
really proud of you at Peterhead Jogscotland.
Our next Charity Weight Loss Challenge begins on Monday 25th January and will last for 20 weeks until the 7th June, i am setting everyone including
yours truly the goal of lossing 10 ibs which is only 0.5ibs a week!! The Charity Weight Loss Challenge is open to all Peterhead Jogscotland members and only costs £5 to enter. The winner again will nominate the charity where the money goes, and receive a 6 months membership to the Waterside Inn Leisure Club.