Stuart Robertson and Jacqueline Henderson Peterhead Jogscotland members took part in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk to Cure Diabetes on Sunday 4th September at Hazlehead Park and raised the fantastic sum of £1600. This year JDRF introduced the TAQA 10k run (which Stuart took part in) as well as the 7km walk, and 5km run which Jacqueline took part in. The whole event raised a staggering £100,000 with more funds rolling in every day.
Stuarts son and daughter have been both being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and as a result Stuart a Jogleader at Peterhead Jogscotland took part in the event to raise money for this great charity and raise awareness of this condition that effects so much young people.
Stuart said: “The Walk to Cure Diabetes was a fantastic success with so many people stepping out together to support the type 1 community, which means so much to my family. It’s great to know that any amount of money we manage to raise will help JDRF fund more vital research into finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that causes the body’s own immune system to turn on itself and attack cells in the pancreas which produce insulin. The condition affects about 350,000 adults in the UK, including over 26,000 children.It can cause devastating complications including blindness, heart disease, amputation, stroke and kidney failure and reduces life expectancy by 20 years.
Ashley Adamson, Fundraiser for Scotland at JDRF added: “The efforts of all of our supporters continue to astound me. With so many people still being affected by type 1 diabetes it is crucial that we continue to be able to fund research into the condition, as this is the only way we can make progress in finding the cure for a condition that has such a dramatic effect on people’s lives.”