We have some really talented Junior Runners in our club none more so than James Weir.
James has been taking part in the Running Shop Winter X Cross Country Series for under 15s. At Knockburn in November James was second, and at Haddo House in January James was fourth in an amazing time of just under 20 mins for a 5km. The last race in the series take place at Balgownie Park in Aberdeen on Sunday 27th February. Also taking part that day will be Shelley Duncan, Shelley like James is a real star in the making, and we are proud of them, and all our juniors/youngsters at Peterhead Jogscotland. At Balgownie Park on 27th Feb there is also an adult 1 mile, 3 mile and 6 mile race. To see details of these event simply click
here it would be great if we had a good turn to support both James and Shelley and all other members taking part that day.