Friday, 16 April 2010
Fraserburgh Jogscotland
Peterhead Jogscotland donated with help of Run4it Aberdeen leader jackets to Fraserburgh Jogscotlands nine leaders.
Roselyn and i had a brillant time through in Fraserburgh last Tuesday night at the very first registration night for Fraserburgh Jogscotland. Gillian & Alison and all leaders have done a brillant job in promoting Jogscotland in the Broch as a result to date 150 people have registered to join Fraserburgh Jogscotland which starts this Tuesday which just amazing. I sure it will be a great success, and know we will work we together to benefit both communities in Peterhead and Fraserburgh. Andrew West a jogleader in the Broch has also made a brillant job in getting a new website up and running already, to visit their new webiste simply click here