Peterhead Jogscotland members never fail to amaze me!! We had over 30 members taking part in the Garioch 10k and kids Funs. Everyone did great, however the star of show was Ellie Robertson who finished second in her age group. Well done Ellie your a real star. Thanks also goes Graham for driving us up, Graham works with Stagecoach, and is also a member of Peterhead Jogscotland. Graham had even time to take part in the 10k brillant!! In case your wondering my time just over 49 mins about 1 min quicker than last year.
To see all our wonderful photographs simply click
here. We are now taking books for our next few events the Glenlivet 10k on Sunday 11th (mini-bus), and then the Baker Hughes 10k Sunday 23th May (large bus). Payment of £5 is now due for Balmoral 10k on the 24th April (this event now is fully booked.