Homecoming jogSCOTLAND FunRuns Sat 28th Nov
Two weeks today till our 3,6 or 10k HOMECOMING jogScotland FunRuns. Registration takes place at Living Waters Church Windmill Street at 10.15- 10.45am. The Runs start the short distance away on the Promenade (beside Ives Rd Peterhead at 11am. Donations will be taken on the day in aid of the Renal Unit, and Marie Curie Nurses in Peterhead. Everyone completing the challenge with receive a medal, and will be entered into a free prize draw -top prize is a pair of running shoes courtesy of RUN4IT, who will also be their with a sales table for you to have a look at before or after you have finished your run.
As its the last weekend of Homecoming Scotland and St Andrew's Day on the Monday why not were something Scottish you never know you might win a prize. Please stay for soup and sandwiches in Living Waters Church after the run. WE have 150 medals it would be great if they were all used on the day!! Why not tell your family to come down and support us on the day it would be good if had some supporters along the promenade encouraging the runners as they cross the finishing line!! A remember you dont have to be a member of Peterhead Jogscotland to take part everyone is welcome. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.