Saturday, 27 September 2008

Charity Weight Loss Challenge

Well thats over 5 weeks since we started our Charity Weight Loss Challenge and the results so far have been great. Our group has lost 5stone 5Ibs in total since started which is fanastic, one gentleman who shall remain nameless at this time has lost just over 8Ibs, and lady has lost over 6Ibs which is amazing in only 5 weeks. Remember we not dieting we are trying to eat more healthy and get more active, and to date it seem to be working well. I have lost about 5Ibs so i am really pleased, and i have managed to overcome the temptation of the dreaded sausage sandwich for our works canteen for a few weeks now which i am really proud about!!! How are you getting on why not email me and let me know, or have you any healthy eating recipes you would like to share with us??
Remember if you have any stories you would like to share, simply email me and i will put them on the blog.