Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Invitation to the Opening of Scottish Parliament

On Friday 1st July Roselyn and i were invited down to the opening of parliament, what a great time we had!!! First of all we went on the Riding which was basically a parade to celebrate to the Opening of Parliament, then we had a packed lunch outside Hollyrood,and then our local msp Stewart Stevenson give us a brillant tour of the parliament which we really enjoyed. Along the way we meet a few friends include Andy, Helen and Cameron Brown fae Peterhead. To see all photographs from the day simply here

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Peterhead Marinathon

Thank for all your amazing support at this years Peterhead Marinathon even though the weather wasnt great we had about 400 people along, and it was great to see so much Mums,Dads,Girls,Boys and even Grannies and Grandads dressed to support this year theme "PROUD TO BE SCOTTISH" end up raising £600 for Scottish Week which we are delighted about!! Thanks to Alexander Lemon and Johnny Johnston for their great photographs simply click here to see them all. Hope you enjoyed Scottish Week i think it was brillant!! By way next years theme will be the OLYMPICS just give you plenty warning!!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Trip To Rome

Roselyn and i had a great time recently when we went to Rome, an offcourse we brought along our Peterhead Jogscotland T Shirts, to see all the photographs simply click here. If going away on holiday remember take your Peterhead Jogscotland TShirt you never know you could win a prize at our next our next AGM.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Archie Fun Run

Apologies for not putting the Archie Fun Run photographs on sooner. Anyways thanks again for all your amazing support with your help we have raised £831 for Peterhead and District Friends of Archie. Diane and Marella came along last Wednesday night to recieve the cheque. Also thanks to Masson and Glennie for sponsoring our Fun Runs which allows to buy medals for all those taking part, hope like our new signs!!!. To see all great photographs simply click here